Manly Village Public School's core values of Excellence, Respect and Integrity are reflected in the school's positive discipline approach called 'The Manly Village Way'. Our school plan and student wellbeing programs are built around these three core values. Our Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) Procedures and our School Behaviour Support and Management Plan set out how these values look and how they can be achieved in different parts of the school.
We use these values when discussing appropriate behaviour across the school with students, staff and parents.
Students are explicitly taught how to implement the school's values. Teachers use the language of Excellence, Respect and Integrity every day to promote a sense of wellbeing, a feeling of community and a positive learning environment.
Bronze Merit Awards
Bronze Merit Awards are handed out weekly at stage assemblies. Each teacher selects two students who are demonstrating the school values of Respect, Integrity and Excellence to receive a Bronze Merit Award each week. Bronze Merit Awards will also be awarded to students who have earned ten Mini Merits. These awards are presented in class. Classroom teachers record all Bronze Merit Awards on our online recording system.
Silver Merit Awards
Silver Merit Awards are received when students have earned three Bronze Merit Awards. Classroom teachers record Silver Merit Awards on our online recording system. Silver Merit Awards are handed out by the principal at whole school assemblies on Monday mornings.
Principal’s Gold Merit Awards
Principal’s Gold Merit Awards are received when students have earned three Silver Merit awards. Classroom teachers record Gold Merit Awards on our online recording system. Gold Merit Awards are handed out by the principal at whole school assemblies on Monday mornings.
Manly Village Medal
This is the school’s most prestigious award. The Manly Village Medal is awarded to students who have achieved or performed at an outstanding level over a period of time, indicated by the accumulation of three Gold Merit Awards. The Manly Village Medal is presented by the principal at whole school assemblies on Monday mornings.
Names of Silver Award winners, Gold Awards winners and Manly Village Medal winners are published in our weekly school newsletter, The Sea Sider. Award winners whose names are published in the newsletter will receive their award at the next whole school assembly. Parents are encouraged to attend.