Manly Village Public School

Respect Integrity Excellence

Telephone02 9977 3066


Sport for Years 3 to 6

At our school we have a comprehensive physical education program for children from Kindergarten to Year 6, with a focus on fundamental movement skills. 

As a part of this we offer an exciting sports program for our primary students in Years 3 to 6.

Class based sport

Fit Futures, a third party provider runs PDHPE programs in terms one, two and three. Fit Futures lessons combine athletics skills, games  and gymnastics. This class based program is designed to contribute to the development of each student’s muscular endurance, strength, power, flexibility, coordination, agility and balance. 


We offer students a class based dance program in term 2 and 3 which culminates in a whole school end of year dance performance. Children learn dance movements from the creative arts syllabus.

These lessons run for 40 minutes once a week and are led by experienced instructors who are accompanied by class teachers.

The costs for these programs is included in the parent online permission note.

Friday afternoon sport options

Summer sport runs in terms one and four. We offer students in years 3–6 a variety of summer sports which make use of our unique seaside environment: zumba at school, hip hop dance, beach volleyball, tennis, sailing, standup paddleboarding and kayaking. Water based activities require students to complete a swim test. The school adheres to strict safety guidelines.

Summer sports incur an additional cost and some sports have limited placements. Summer sports currently on offer are:

Learn to Kayak - waiver
Learn to Stand Up Paddleboard - waiver
Learn to Sail - waiver
Beach Volleyball
Hip Hop dance

Students also have the option in summer to spend Friday afternoon focusing on skill and fitness development in school sport. There is no cost for school sport.

Winter sport runs in terms 2 and 3. Students can participate in either the Primary School Sports Association (PSSA) competitive program or the school winter sport program which includes Martial arts, Hip Hop dance and Zumba at school.

These sports incur an additional cost and some sports have limited placements.

Students also have the option in winter to spend Friday afternoon focusing on skill and fitness development in school sport. There is no cost for school sport.

The PSSA program we offer provides an opportunity for primary students to represent their school in girls' and boys' soccer, girls' netball and boys' rugby league.

There is a selection process involved with trials being held mid-term 1. Places on teams are limited and not all students who wish to play are guaranteed a spot on the team. Teams are coached and trained by teachers. Games are played on Friday afternoon at various sporting fields around the Manly-Warringah area. The cost for these sports are included in the online parent permission note.

School carnivals

The School Swimming Carnival is held early in term 1. Students who are 8 years old and over are encouraged and welcome to participate in the swimming carnival. It is held at the Boy Charlton Pool in Manly. Based on the results of the school swimming carnival, a team will represent the school at the Zone Swimming Carnival.

The School Cross Country is held early in term two. Students who are 8 years old and over are encouraged and welcome to participate in the cross ccountry event. It is held at Keirle Park in Queenscliff. Based on the results of the school carnival, a team will represent the school at the Zone Cross Country Carnival.

The School Athletics Carnival is held in term 3. Students who are 8 years old and over are encouraged and welcome to participate in the track events on the day. Participation in the field events at the carnival are based on results from the semester 1 Fit Futures lessons. The carnival is held at the Sydney Academy of Sport and Recreation at Narrabeen. Based on the results of the school carnival, a team will be selected to represent the school at the Zone Athletics Carnival.

The Kindergarten to year 2 Athletics Carnival which features fun activities for our younger students is held annually in term 3 at Manly Oval.

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