Manly Village Public School

Respect Integrity Excellence

Telephone02 9977 3066

Religion and ethics

NSW schools offer special religious education and special education in ethics. Approved providers deliver these, where available.

Special Religious Education (SRE) and Special Education in Ethics (SEE)

A feature of the public education system in NSW is the opportunity to provide time in class for education in ethics, faith and morality from a religious or non-religious perspective at the choice of parents.

At Manly Village, time is set aside each Friday for special religious education and special education in ethics. The program is delivered by approved providers who train volunteers to teach the lessons.

Kindergarten to Year 2 have a lesson from 12:10pm - 12:50pm.

Years 3 to 6 have a lesson from 11:20am – 12:00pm. 

All volunteers have verified Working with Children Check clearances, are cross referenced on the Department’s database and have confirmation that they have met relevant requirements under the Act. They are trained and supported by their approved organisation. The curriculum they deliver has been authorised by the Department.

Who are the approved SRE providers at our school?

St Matthews Anglican Church Manly, Anglican Diocese of Sydney provides Anglican religious education in Christian beliefs. Students explore the good news about Jesus Christ found in the Bible and the depth of God's love for everyone. With trained teachers, lessons are age-appropriate, fun and inclusive to build resilience, character and faith. Here is the Anglican curriculum.

Manly Freshwater Parish, Catholic Diocese of Broken Bay provides Catholic religious education. Volunteer teachers are approved, trained and commissioned by the diocese. Here is the authorised Catholic curriculum

Islamic Council of NSW (ISRE)  Students gain knowledge of Islamic principles, values and life skills. Students are supported and nurtured to develop a positive sense of their identity as Muslims, and are guided towards becoming model members of their communities.  
Here is the authorised Islamic curriculum

To nominate the SRE/SEE option for your child click on this link.

Class places are determined by the volunteers for each SRE/SEE provider. If there are not enough SRE/SEE volunteers, your child will be placed into Non Scripture until a place becomes available.

What other options are there?

Non-SRE You may have indicated that you wish to withdraw your child from special religious education in which case your child will join the non-SRE group and be supervised participating in meaningful activities like quiet reading.

Ethics If you decline for your child to attend special religious education, you may like them to attend special education in ethics which provided by Primary Ethics. The program is coordinated by Judi LeVine from Manly Village Ethics. Here is the authorised curriculum.

Your child will continue in the same arrangement each year, unless you request a change in writing.

At any time you have the right to change your nomination or withdraw your child from the nominated lessons. A note to the Principal will affect this change.

For more information about Special Religious Education (SRE) and Special Education in Ethics (SEE), including the list of approved providers, please visit Religion and ethics.

For more information, visit Religion and ethics.