An inclusive education for all
At Manly Village Public School we pride ourselves on ensuring that all students have success at school every day. Teachers work hard to differentiate the learning for all students and all students are working towards achieving individual learning goals.
School learning support team
The Learning Support Team consists of the School Principal, Deputy Principal, Assistant Principals and the School Counsellor. The Learning Support Team meets weekly to discuss students who require support at both ends of the learning spectrum.
Catering for students with special needs
We are committed to adjusting the curriculum for all students. We welcome students with a broad range of physical and cognitive abilities and we work with parents to achieve positive learning outcomes for these students.
Catering for students with high support needs
Our Learning and Support (LaST) teacher works with classroom teachers to provide targeted interventions for students with high support needs in literacy and numeracy. The Learning and Support Teacher and classroom teachers are assisted by Student Learning and Support Officers (SLSOs) in supporting all students.
Supporting the success of gifted and talented students
All programs are differentiated and more capable students are extended through inquiry based learning, project based learning, open ended questioning and opportunities to apply critical and creative thinking skills in a collaborative environment. The Learning and Support Teacher and the Learning Support Team actively work to provide opportunities for our more capable students.
Click here for more information on High potential and gifted education